Liver Cancer
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Liver cancer also known as Hepatocellular Carcinoma (HCC). Liver performs different functions in our body such as removal of chemical waste from the bloodstream and in that process only the cancer cells which are travelling in the blood may cause harm to the liver. The cancer cells of blood in liver starts growing and from there liver cancer occurs. The primary liver cancer occurs because of the other organ which was affected by the cancer. There are several types of liver cancer but all liver cancer does not harm liver. Loss of weight, appetite, weakness, abdominal swelling, pain, white stool and vomiting are the symptoms of liver cancer. Surgery and different therapies are used to treat liver cancer.
Liver cancer is a type of cancer where the cancer cells starts growing gradually within the liver. It is also known as Hepatocellular Carcinoma. Liver function is to remove the toxic chemical substances from the blood and during this process only if any organ is affected by cancer then there are high chances of liver cancer as well through blood. The main symptoms are loss of weight, appetite, weakness, abdominal swelling, pain, white stool and vomiting. Surgery and different therapies like radiation and chemo are used to treat liver cancer.
There are 2 types of liver cancer primary and secondary but primary is the most common type of cancer.
- Hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) or Hepatoma: it is a most common type of liver cancer and affects the nearby organs like pancreas, stomach and intestines. It often occurs in the people who intake alcohol in abundance amount.
- Cholangiocarcinoma: It is a common type of bile duct cancer. In this, if the cancer occurs in ducts within liver it is called intrahepatic bile duct cancer and if the cancer occurs in ducts outside the liver it is called extrahepatic bile duct cancer.
- Liver Angiosarcoma: It is diagnosed at an advanced stage as it is a rare type of cancer starts within the blood vessels of liver.
- Hepatoblastoma: It is a rare type of cancer occurs only in children under the age of 3 years. If detected at an early stage then there are high chances of survival
Primarily liver cancer is detected by physical examinations followed by tests which are:
- Blood tests
- Liver biopsy
- CT Scan
Procedure to cure from liver cancer is performed by different treatments which are as follows:
- Surgery:Surgery is advisable in the following conditions:
Tumour removal: When there is small tumour in the liver it is advisable to remove liver tumour through surgery only so that it won’t spread much and liver functions properly. Tumor in liver is known as liver reseccution.
Liver transplant: It is rarely performed in the severe case. The deceased liver is removed and replaced with the healthy liver for better functioning.
- Hepatectomy: The affected area from the liver is removed. It is done when the cancer is detected at an early stage and with the time the removed area will gradually regrow and filled by healthy tissues.
- Ablation therapy: During this procedure, the heat is used to destroy the cancerous cells from the liver. The procedure is performed by inducing local anaesthesia
- Manage blood count
- Regular check up
- Prescribed medications should be taken