The topmost area of the spine, near the neck is known as the cervical where if nerve compression on neck occurs, then it causes pain which can be relieved by performing Cervical Decompression Surgery. The pain occurs in the pinched nerve of the spine which is caused by slip disc, spinal stenosis, and spondylolisthesis.
What is Cervical Decompression?
Cervical Decompression is an advanced surgery which is performed to get relief from pain caused by a pinched nerve in the spine and neck, by compressing it. The surgery is performed by pinching or removing the compressed spinal nerves.
Tests before Cervical Decompression
- Physical tests are performed to check the update of the spine and neck.
- Diagnostic tests like X-Rays, CT scan, and MRI is performed.
The Procedure
Cervical Decompression is broadly classified as:
- Foraminotomy: A bigger space is made to relieve from pain.
- Laminotomy: A large hole in the centre of your vertebrae is made to relieve from pain.
- Laminoplasty: Two incisions are made to keep the metal or plastic rod inside the spinal canal to make it straight and solid
- Corpectomy: It is performed in cases like cervical stenosis where vertebral body and the affected spinal disc is removed to relieve pain.
- Microdiscectomy: It is one of the most commonly performed minimally invasive spine surgery and is very effective for relieving leg pain that is caused due to radiculopathy, or sciatica.
- Cervical Laminectomy:
Post Cervical Decompression Care
- Heavy exercises should be avoided.
- Prescribed medication should be taken on time.
- Avoid twisting and bending your spine.
- Use of support in the neck is mandatory while travelling.
Benefits of Cervical Decompression
A complete spine after surgery, it will come into straight and correct posture. The surgery also helps in relieving long term pain.
Why NICE ?
- We are associated with the best hospitals globally having the emergency infrastructure, fully equipped with the latest technologies and techniques to overcome from every emergency condition.
- Our team of doctors are highly experienced in ‘Emergency Patient Management’ and work together to save the patient.
- Consultation from doctors through e-mail, phone, and video calling.
- Rehabilitation programs are organized to assist complex surgery patients.
- Complete support and assistance being given before and after treatment.
- Cost of treatment is quite less as compared to other service providers.
- We are always ready to offer our helping hand and our services are available 24/7.