Prof. Md. Waziul Alam Chowdhury
Prof. Md. Waziul Alam Chowdhury
President, Bangladesh Association of Psychiatrists (BAP)

It is my great pleasure to invite you to the 11th International Conference on Psychiatry, Bangladesh (11th ICP) and 13th SAARC International Psychiatric Conference 2022. Our biannual conference is a leading international conference in mental health and has been held in different locations of Bangladesh over the last several decades. This year’s conference will be cosponsored by World Psychiatric Association (WPA), SAARC Psychiatric Foundation and Asian Federation of Psychiatric Association (AFPA).

The event will be held in the beautiful port city of Chattogram, Bangladesh. The organizing committee is developing some exciting inter-disciplinary programs and planning to invite prominent speakers from all over the world. The continued growth of our conference is an indication of its high quality and impact. We continue to strive to provide a unique, effective platform for mental health professionals to publish, to present, to network, and to advance their careers.

I believe you will find this conference stimulating and rewarding. We look forward to seeing you there.

Thank you.

Prof. Md. Waziul Alam Chowdhury
Prof. Md. Waziul Alam Chowdhury
Bangladesh Association of Psychiatrists (BAP)